The closer we look, the further we see.
I guide my clients in their discovery of their own personal power and the effectiveness of who they are to create deep and meaningful change. Transpersonal coaching will help you understand how self-mastery, multiplicity, authenticity and whole systems are paramount to achieving higher performance and authentic leadership in one’s self and others.
Loving Client Testimonials
"You have a warm heart and incredible energy! You're a gift to everyone who meets you! 💕 I'm thankful for your full heart! You have been there for me in more ways than you will ever know!" Cristina P.
“Jenny is a compassionate, understanding, smart, knowledgeable, fun, outgoing, kind and friendly, spiritual soul. I absolutely love her and going to her retreats! She treats you with respect, kindness and love. She opens that part of your heart that's ready to receive abundance. Through her coaching, Jenny has helped me conquer fears and insecurities and I am so blessed and grateful to know her. She is a light in my Life. If you are looking for something to nourish your soul, Jenny's retreats will do the job!! Thanks Jenny”
Melissa B.
“I appreciate your warm heart, bright smile, and soulful eyes. You help me to look at my world from another perspective. I am grateful that I have you because I can say things to you that I would not say to anyone else and you "get it". I have a long way to go but, you are teaching me to be more accepting of myself even though it is WAY out of my comfort zone. Your passion for life and your compassion for others shines all around you. You make this world a better place.”
Kathy M.
“I looked to you for help with my daughter during a very rough time in her life. She was angry at the world. If she wasn't yelling she was crying. When we came to you l was desperate. I knew how loving and caring she was but just didn't know how to vent and release the issues at hand to a positive energy. But thanks to you and your life coaching and guidance she has turned out to be a very wonderful young lady. Life with her is so much more. I enjoy watching her grow in spirit and mind. Thank you for helping her and thank you for leading her down the right path. A path with a wonderful future. We couldn't have done it without you."
Jane D.